This object looked calm and quite in the urban environment. Like other people I was smiling seeing how nice this object looks and attached to discovering how it has been made, but thanks to a small child who was explaining his vision to his parents I also was able to see what it is - these are not lamps, but that's how a city with its blockhouses looks at night!
Riga channel is always surprising with light & water games in the city center, but I have never been able to make a good picture of it, well - I guess you just have to see it with your own eyes.
Public toilet! It was standing there like any other day - quiet and simple. Then it started to whisper: "Please, look at me!" And then it turned into the Coliseum!
The Bastion hill was filled with candles and flying ships:
Door to imaginary reality:And at the end enjoy some fireworks from Independence Day - 18th of November right after singing national anthem - thousands of people together at the river Daugava.
Here you can find some pictures from Beaming Riga 2010
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