Friday, July 22, 2011

Botanic Garden: For Family Holiday & Nature Lovers

July is the most beautifull month in Latvia to discover the countryside: flowers, the smell of grass, dragonflies, bees, wild berries... It’s a perfect time to discover flora & fauna of Latvia and pick some herbs to dry them and have the most healthiest and tastiest tea for the long evenings of winter. Ok, if you are not so keen on discovering wild nature and you better stay in Riga or close to Riga, or if you wanna get out of the city for a moment here is one place you will get to know the nature: The National Botanic Garden – close to Riga & perfect for a day with children!

30 min by train (the ticket costs 0,70Ls) and you’ll get to the town called Salaspils. Right in front of the railway station you wil see the entrance to the Botanical garden. The ticket costs just 1,50Ls. The territory is huge enough to enjoy there at least half a day long walk. This Botanical garden has the biggest plant collection in the Baltic States and one of the biggest arboreta in Northeast and one of the biggest in Europe collections of hawthorns, rowans, spiraeas, low forms of conifers, ornamental apple trees... There is also place for children plays, convenient paths for cyclists and joggers, horse riding, picknick place. National Botanic garden reprezents Latvia in its area and is one of the state scientific and cultural symbols.

National Botanic Garden is open for visitors every day:  from 1st April -  30th September open air expositions: 8.00-20.00 (every day) greenhouses: working days and Saturdays 8.00-16.45; Sundays and holidays - closed.

Similar posts about getting out of the city:   
Getting Away in Latvia: pictures from the countryside Part I, Part II

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